Sunday, October 17, 2010

About Me

Hello and welcome to my little teeny tiny blog and the first post to MMBO.  I guess the best way to explain what exactly you've stumbled onto is to just jump right in.

I'm 28 years old.  I live with my wonderful amazing handsome boyfriend in a small little town in New Jersey.  I currently work at a law firm as a Legal Assistant/Paralegal where I've been for the past 6 years.  Oh, and we have a cat.  And she's awesome.

Why did I start the blog?  What is Macrobiotics?  What am I doing?  Who cares?

I started this blog in order to be accountable as I start a journey about understanding Macrobiotics.  And to write stuff that has nothing to do with Macrobiotics. 

Macrobiotics is...hrmph.  Hard to explain.  Especially since I don't fully understand it yet, which really is the entire point of this journey--to understand Macrobiotics.  In a nutshell (and this is my small understanding, not a true definition) it is a lifestyle based on the understanding that the food we eat effects who we are.  It is truly a "you are what you eat" based philosophy, but so much deeper.  I hope that during this journey I will come to a fuller understanding of Macrobiotics--and you will too!

I have no idea what I'm doing.  It's not even day 1.  I'm still trying to get though some basic reading on the subject matter at hand.  I'll get back to you on that one. 

Who cares? do?  Maybe.  Hopefully. 

Coming up next....more about me.